Monday, March 14, 2011

How to Make Graham Cracker Gingerbread Houses

Graham cracker gingerbread houses are fun to make and delicious to consume. No matter the time of year, these houses are a fun craft to make and a delicious dessert or snack for the whole family. Here's an easy recipe that you and your kids can start with to develop your own gingerbread house ideas.
Graham Cracker Gingerbread House Recipe
Supplies You Will Need:
1 milk carton (Size depends on desired size of gingerbread house)
Adhesive tape
A plate or baking sheet
A large bowl of royal icing
10 graham crackers
Piping tips
Gallon-size freezer bag
Decorative icing
A bag of M&Ms
Think about how tall you want this house to be, and then measure the height on the milk carton. If the carton is larger than what you need, slice off extra cardboard at the bottom of the carton. Do not slice off the top of the carton: You will need this to make the gingerbread house roof.
Tape the top of the milk carton closed so that it is in a roof-shape and will not move when securing graham crackers. Stick the carton to a base, such as a plate or baking sheet, using adhesive tape. The royal icing is what you will use to attach the graham crackers to the milk carton. Thus, make sure to use it generously. Carefully attach the graham crackers, paying attention to the carton's dimensions. You may need to break the crackers to completely cover the carton. Be sure to attach crackers to the milk carton top.
Once the carton is completely covered, you can begin decorating it. Use the sprinkles and icing to make shingles on the roof, and attach the piping tips to the freezer bag so you can add piping to the walls. The M&Ms make great doorknobs and accents for the house. Play with the time of year: You can make a winter wonderland house, or you can make a haunted house for Halloween.

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